How It Works
You don’t need to be a science teacher to deliver spectacular science
These are direct-to-student, lab science courses. Your students face a series of challenges that can only be solved through experimental lab work!
We send a physical kit

We provide access to a course platform
Your students are off doing 50 labs per year!

Each course is a full academic year of science delivered as
5 bite-sized short courses! Each short course includes:
5 problem sets for comprehension

5 sets of resource extension links
5 chapters of guiding videos and readings
10 labs (materials included)
1 set of write up questions per lab

The Student Experience
1. Log In
Login to the QC Platform
2. Hypothesis

Receive a problem and consider a solution
3. Experiment
Run a hands-on lab to solve the problem
4. New idea!

Build a theory and create meaning
Students complete 2 labs per week in 2 or 3 blocks of time.
Questions do arise on lab procedures and we can help troubleshoot. Send us an email and we'll help figure it out.